
From my brain to your screen.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

College Friends

It is weird to look on facebook and see friends from college who are all still friends...going to undergraduate homecoming games, being in each others weddings.  I keep in touch which approximately two people from college on a weekly basis and about five people total are in my life on a tri monthly basis.  Sometimes,  I feel a little jealous that I don't have those relationships, but then I look at my friends, and how they are literally all over the US, and feel very very lucky.  I guess if I would have stayed in the town I went to undergrad in, and if I wouldn't have gone on for a ridiculous amount of school after that, I would have probably stayed tight with more people.  Change is just strange...but I guess that is due to the relationship it has with time.   

1 comment:

  1. Change is just strange...but I guess that is due to the relationship it has with time.

    The above statement is profound. Thank you for sharing it. Change is so strange. It happens when you don't want it too and doesn't happen when you want it too.

    I have to say that our friendship is one that has grown in a very solid way over a short amount of time. In this scenerio, change has been the complete opposite of strange...and in an amazing way. Thank you for your friendship, support, and mostly love. I wouldn't change it for anything.

