
From my brain to your screen.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

30 Fun things in 30 Days: Day 3

Today was a lot of fun!  I got up and watched CBS Sunday Morning, did a little packing, and went to the pool with one of my best friends.  We got there in a jeep with no doors (=fun). 

The pool is fun.  Because of all the kids here, they do safety checks every hour where everyone has to get out of the pools.  Usually there is at least one "poop evacuation."  Today was no exception.  

 poop search committee
 Found one!

Then I came home and made Pancreas Cakes with mom's recipe.  Yum! Watched some Harry Potter, and read.


  1. I just wanted to tell you that I have been following your blog and no longer wished to be a lurker. Hi Amanda! This one really made me laugh. "poop evacuation, poop search committee, pancreas cakes? Too funny. Sorry we will miss paths in So. Ill. Oh, and I have always loved CBS Sunday Morning but never get up in time to watch it.

  2. I am disappointed too that our paths will not cross...Well, literally, they probably will pass somewhere between Utah and So. Ill. This latest blog path has been a bit tricky, but it has made me thankful. I appreciate that you came out of the lurker closet. :-) Have a lovely, fun, safe, and exciting trip.

  3. The pancreas cakes were from one of my best friends as a transplant (kidney pancreas) anniversary present.
