
From my brain to your screen.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Robin Thicke is a whore...and other things we don't hear in the media

Ok-this won't take long...and remember...there is "strong language" 

Get over it people.  Miley Cyrus is not the first person to do a naked video, especially a naked lady video.

See this for a few other videos

  Based on "outraged" posts about M.C. on others facebook page (because she is such a whore) I decided to watch her new Wrecking Ball video.  I actually think it is fine.  After I watched her video I watched Robin Thicke's video (I had refused as the song is so offensive to me).  Then I realized, maybe she was making a statement at the VMA's related to his video.  She looks a lot like the women he is trying to "domesticate" in his video.  Maybe not, but I think it is possible.  What if this whole thing is one big statement about sex in the media?  I don't think this is the case, but if Joaquin Phoenix can throw people off for so long, Miley Cyrus could too.

I don't  necessarily like how MC is portraying herself.  I think she is being young and doing things she may regret...but do you know what I regret most in my youth, things I DIDN'T DO. 

She needs to make sure she puts a condom on it, doesn't do laced drugs, keeps safe people around (at least one who will tell her when her butt is hanging out, when she has stuff in her teeth, and when she is being an utter ridiculous media fiend), and someone to remind her why it is a horrible idea to have sex with misogynistic a-holes who feel the need to sing about "domesticating" women in their songs (there are COUNTLESS examples I could use...this is just the pertinent one in this discussion).  Let's hope her new song is not about one of those dirt-bags.

We don't like that MC is swinging around on a big ball licking a sledgehammer like it is the best wienerschnitzel on the planet because we want her to be the little girl who has no power.  We want her to be simple.  We want her to be subservient.  We want her to be like every other women in the majority of the music videos, movies, media out there. We want her to be controlled.  

I will be blunt: She is not the problem.  Our society has been teaching most girls in the US that we WANT them to do exactly what MC is doing, then we call her a whore when she follows through.
 So here is my promise, next time I am somewhere and someone says, something like"What, you don't like Robin Thicke's song?  I think it is good..." and the conversation continues without a hitch (I had this experience a few months ago.) I won't worry about being liked or fitting in, and I will say exactly what I think the song represents.

Why? Because we can't be quiet.  We can't just let that crap infiltrate our brains and not complain about it, then when MC makes a super hot video where she is swinging around on a ball and chain (seriously, is she smarter than we are all giving her credit for) we cry foul and blame her for "corrupting our daughters."  I am pretty sure our daughters are corrupted every day from a plethora of media sources.  Thank goodness for guardians who can teach children to love themselves in a healthy way and for the teachers who work with those amazing young girls by letting them know they are worth more than their bodies or the words others tell them they are.

Here are a few links if you have no idea what I am referring to in this blog.     

Joaquin Phoenix hoax

Robin Thicke's real video: Blurred Lines

The VMA's with Robin and Miley

And a few to restore your faith in people sanity

(If you only have time to watch one, watch the one below)
Jon Lajoie is awesome 

Nice job ladies

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