
From my brain to your screen.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

You are not allowed to motorboat my boobs or my kidneys

As always-there are curse words.  Read with caution (or unbridled excitement that I dropped a few f' bombs).  I can't remember who I was talking to the other day about how much I dislike the "boobies" campaign.  I saw this link right here today and I thought, "thank you," and decided to share.

Guess what?  I think it is great that you "love boobies."  I am proud of you.  Do you know what or more appropriately, who I loved?  My Aunt Judy (who died when I was 3) from breast cancer.  And do you know what?  I loved her if she had boobs or if she didn't have boobs.  If they made a bracelet that said, "I love Aunt Judy" or "I love Great Aunt Bertha" or "I love Mom" or "I love women who have lost their boobies" or "Fuck bone cancer" I might wear it.  As someone who has struggled with body image issues for a fair amount of my life due to health issues, I felt a lot of pressure and shame about my body as a girl.  Should I mention that lupus impact your hormone levels?   The boobies bracelets are a personal trigger---for many reasons.  I fucking hate cancer.  I mean, I really, really, really hate it.  I am fairly non-violent, but if I could bite the head off of cancer like Ozzy Osborn and a bat and pour rubbing alcohol down it's throat, I would.  I would not however, wear "I love boobies" paraphernalia.  

If an "I love testicles" or "I love lungs" bracelet catches on with as much vigor as the "I love bobbies" campaign did (in both women and men), I will eat my hat.  Think about what the success of this campaign signified.  In the big picture, it ain't about the cancer.  I get the concept you think you are making.  You love boobies, you want to protect them, blah, blah, blah.  The point I am making is that boobies aren't the point.  BOOBIES AREN'T THE POINT!!!!  Here is the link for the video again...in case you skipped over it the first time.  It is right here.

If you wear something that says "I love kidneys" I would be mildly annoyed (especially if my kidneys were on the outside of my body and something that people wanted to motorboat--you have to watch the video to get the reference).  I love them too.  I love them so much I have three of them, but only one of them works, and it is the gifted one I was lucky enough to receive that is holding steady.  Now if you have a shirt that says, 'The person who donated Amanda's kidney and pancreas is my hero."  I would fucking love you.  Do you know what I would love more?  A drivers license that says you are an organ donor.  Put your money where your mouth is, and please don't ever ask to motorboat my kidneys.  EVER.  

Recently I had a friend that donated a kidney to her brother.  She is a bad ass.  She is the only person who I would not be annoyed with for wearing an "I love kidneys" bracelet.  Becky, you could motorboat my kidneys.    

So unless you have donated a set of nice perky boobs to a breast cancer survivor, consider taking off the "I love boobies" bracelets.          

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