
From my brain to your screen.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Love letters and hate mail

*I realized tonight that I am almost done with the first semester of my second year in a doctoral program.  Friends who graduated told me this year would go fast, and man, they were right. 

*As I write my pedagogy paper (this is a fancy word for instructional theory) I know what i am talking about and, maybe more impressive, I believe it!  If you would have asked me a year ago what pedagogy was I would have looked at you blankly and distracted you with my witty humor, but now, I can freaking tell you!  Hot damn...I AM becoming an educator.

*I also realized, that when I loose weight, i like wearing tighter clothes.  I hope it doesn't make me look like a slut.

*I am getting on a plane in less than 500 hours and I am thrilled.

*Loss is weird.  If you look back on my last blog I write about a friend who od'ed on heroin earlier this month.  I realize I conceptualize loss in terms of those important to me who have died due to health issues.  ODing is really different than AIDS...and I am going to need some time to figure out how to deal with it.  This is also putting into reality how I have dealt with other losses (breakups, friendships, opportunities, etc.) and how maybe I viewed them all as I did the loss of a loved one to illness...and maybe that was a fucked up way to process things.  The idea that I have a f'ed up way of processing loss is actually pretty freeing, and may allow me to re-think loss.  Maybe my friendship with my friend wasn't so one-sided after all.  Thank you friend.  I will miss your crazy 3 am nonsensical phone calls, inappropriate (yet flattering) use of affectionate pet names, and ADHD distractability during our daily conversations.  Good luck wherever you are Junebug.  I hope you realize what you gave me too.   

*P90X kicks my ass.  I did 30 minutes of an hour and a half yoga video four days ago and I am still flippin sore!  How did I do the entirety of P90X for a month?  Man, I hate when we realize we are fit only after we are no longer fit! 

*My apartment is a mess.  That is what happens when I am in it awake more than 6 hours a day.  Shit.

*At the coffee house I sat across from a first date in progress...between two boys!  Wait, where do I live?  Dear life, thank you for the reminder that there is diversity everywhere.  

*I had my first Thanksgiving away from my family.  We skyped in, and I swear I talked more to my teenage cousins than I do when I am there!  I think the technology medium helped our communication.  That is sad, but it was awful fun.  I also think being able to see themselves on the computer screen helped keep them on.  I think maybe our society is becoming more narcissistic (I say this as a write a blog...oxymoronic isn't it).

*It drives me nuts when people add extra letters  to words...not in a dyslexic way, but it a byee, lovee youu, textt mee sort of way.  I blame it on the young.  I had a hard time understanding this until people I really love got old enough to do annoying stuff.  Don't get me wrong, I love them and their stupid shit, but I don't understand them...and that makes me feel old.

Ok, back to pedagogy.  7 pages down, about 100 to go (not really...but seems like it).     

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