
From my brain to your screen.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

30 Fun things in 30 Days: Day 8

Today was my second day at home.  I am so lucky that my fam came down to visit.

It is so nice to not be at work.  I got to have dinner with three good friends and a the new littlest man in my life.

I got to spend some time at the pool.

Hang out with one of my best friends at the pool.

And had dinner with 3 good friends and a little dude. 

little dude not pictured...stay away pedophiles!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

30 Fun things in 30 Days: Day 7

First full day home and it was so much fun!  

First we had some deep conversations.

dad and the boys
Then I went to Farmers Market

With some of my favorite little people

And got some yummy fruits and veggies

our haul!

Then I got to do some shopping with some of my favorite people.
and we tried on creepy masks

Then I was supposed to go swimming...but it rained.  boo.

Then we made homemade pizzas and I ate a lot.
the set-up (thank you mom and dad)

Then we had an improptu wine and charades party and a bunch of my friends came by! 
My favorite charade of the night!  (no, it wasn't fart...it was bee as in spelling bee)

So nice to be home!!!
(hum...i wonder what my fun thing tomorrow will be....can you guess?)

Today rocked.  And I get to do it all over again tomorrow!

30 Fun things in 30 Days: Day 7

TRAVEL DAY...Basically that is what I did...which in itself wasn't that fun (besides the creepy person size doll) but it is taking e to fun!

Creepy life size doll at the gas station
I had dinner with three of my favorite people at a restaurant that I used to spend way too much time at in college (thank you roommates who work at food places).  Then, when I got home (dog tired) I got to spend time with my teenage cousins from our of town.  It is so nice to be home...also, it is hot and moist as hell here.

30 Fun things in 30 Days: Day 6

Today was fun.  I did a few obligatory work things (which I enjoy), did my final first round of interviews for the naked herman (the name of my dissertation) and then went to wine tasting and indian with a few of my favorite people in Pocatello.  So fun.  Tomorrow I get on a plan home...and probably should not have had so much to drink. oops. 

Here is my friend eating a plant at the wine tasting

Here is the man-friend talking about something verbostly

Here we are at dinner...with another bottle of wine

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

30 Fun things in 30 Days: Day 5

It is hard to get anything done when you know you are going home in two days.  I realized today that I am going to miss work.  How cool is that!  I love my job.  I love my coworkers, and I love my boss.  They are good folk.  We are such a supportive team.  It is going to be hard to leave when I move in a year. 

We had a party during our staff meeting to celebrate a birthday.  My boss made food...and as always it was delicious.  

She makes Thai food that is so yummy.  Another thing we do is say what we like about the birthday girl then pop off a popper.  They freak me out.  It is like fireworks inside.  My coworkers say it is exposure therapy for me...They are flooding.

I also got a pedicure today so that my feet are purdy for home. The guy who did it basically used a cheese grader on my heels.  Sorry, gross.  I know...but they look better. 

I think Lynn will approve

Fun things today.  And....I am ready for home!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

30 Fun things in 30 Days: Day 4

Today was a good day.   I started interviewing participants for my dissertation and they were cool!  I love talking to people.  In my mind, the whole purpose of life is to form relationships and create memories and emotions.  Those in my field are so willing to help.

My work space for the interviews.  I like to sit on the floor.

I tried to order pre-sale tickets to see the Avett Brothers but they sold out in .01 seconds.  ERG.  Frustrating...but for about 30 minutes it was super fun thinking I was going to get to see them.

 I ate about 1 lb of local cherries which was super fun until i found a tiny worm.  Gross.  But I just threw the worm away and ate the cherry anyways.  At least I know it was grown outside and not in a lab.

The worm is on my pointer finger.

One of the ladies I worked with wanted to go to yoga but I had a meeting.  While this was not fun, it is fun when people ask me to go to yoga!  She asked about Friday but....I WILL BE ON A PLANE HOME!!!!  When I got home from work I went out to dinner with my partner.  Even when we have serious stuff to talk about, I still have a good time.  He is an honest, worldly, hard worker who cares about me.  He is also a lawyer.  We had a conversation tonight and he looked at me and said, "everyone deserves to have a voice"  (we were talking about our jobs).  I said, I could not agree more, but kids need two voices, because often theirs is not as loud as adults (specifically the adult who abused them).  When I checked my facebook a few of my girlfriends back home have planned a nerdfox dinner party.  Hot damn.  AND another friend is having a baby when I am home.  How nice of her!   Thanks for sticking with my process.

Monday, July 25, 2011

30 Fun things in 30 Days: Day 4

Mondays are one of my busy days so I had to think a little to come up with a fun thing...but I did lots of fun things.  I had good conversations with two great coworkers.  I also used art therapy with all of my clients, which was FUN (of course, I don't have pictures of this).  I sent the revised copy to my dissertation committee, and while not fun, it was another relief to have it out (again).  I got randomly got to visit with friends at the coffee house while I was working on my final read through, which was fun and a nice reprieve.  And I lost 3 pounds on the scale this morning which is always a nice way to start the day.  What a fun process this it.  It really helps to identify the fun things that have happened in a day that didn't outwardly sound that fun.    

Sunday, July 24, 2011

30 Fun things in 30 Days: Day 3

Today was a lot of fun!  I got up and watched CBS Sunday Morning, did a little packing, and went to the pool with one of my best friends.  We got there in a jeep with no doors (=fun). 

The pool is fun.  Because of all the kids here, they do safety checks every hour where everyone has to get out of the pools.  Usually there is at least one "poop evacuation."  Today was no exception.  

 poop search committee
 Found one!

Then I came home and made Pancreas Cakes with mom's recipe.  Yum! Watched some Harry Potter, and read.

30 Fun things in 30 Days: Day 2

Today I did a lot of fun things! 
Hung out with a good friend
Farmers market
Pioneer day parade
Scoot preparation and helmet buying
Discount store surfing
Lunch with good friends
Short and suitcase shopping with another friend
Dinner with friends
I didn't capture much of it via camera.  So here is a little of the parade and a find at the discount store.
Also, happy birthday to one of my best friends.  I will see you soon!

horses with mohawks 

Kids on parade

Fun finds at the discount mall

Friday, July 22, 2011

30 Fun things in 30 Days: Day 1

My friend is doing a project called 30 fun things in 30 days and I decided that in light of my attempt to blog more I am following in her footsteps. Here are the pictures for today.  

This is my hammock and the flowers that have spontaneously decided to grow outside my bedroom window.  I am pretty sure they are milkweed, but right now, they are really pretty.  It was so beautiful today and I was able to sit in my hammock and read a book i have to get through ASAP.  The hammock made the read really lovely.  So did the weather.  Thank you 80 degree day.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I am going to try and be better about blogging.  I am not going to explain, but I am trying to simply my life and for me, that includes getting rid of the physical stuff and increasing the emotional connections.  In less thank 12 months I move again, and leave a place that i have started to call home and the people that I have made my family here.  That is hard.  So here is to connecting, even if it is through technology.

Tonight, as I try and clean up my space, i am also making homemade rhubarb ice cream.  I got the recipe from this blog.  http://lusaorganics.typepad.com/clean/2009/05/rhubarb-ice-cream-recipe.html

I have a friend who gives me a really hard time about trying to live an organic life...or at least trying to put organic, often plant based, food in my body.  I wish I could explain to her that it is not just about the food, but the relationship with the food and the process of making it.

Thank you for going on my journey with me friends.