I broke my arm in February and it is just now healing. Suck. Dissertation is behind big time. But at least now I have a robo-arm.
New Orleans was fun.
Cars with bra's make me laugh.
I think I fall in love backwards. I am not fully sure what this means, but I think it is true and I am working on reversing it or at least honestly talking about it.
I am freaking out about school. It is about time---This is SUCH a pattern.
I passed my comprehensive exams.
We are hiring someone to replace one of my favorite instructors (she is choosing to leave)--and it sucks.
I have about a year and a month left in a school.
That means in a year and a half I will live somewhere in the US that i am not at right now. Crazy.
Things seem to happen at inopportune moments, but that is ok.
I have a difficult time believing people are evil.
I love what I do.
I feel guilty that I don't keep in better touch with people I care about at home.
Starting next week I am getting back on the fitness wagon--I like it when I am on it, but being pushed off and getting back on is a pain in the ass.
I have had extra parts for over 12 years now. Thank you donor family.
I have to do work.
Oh, I am off facebook for a two week starting Monday. I need to detox.