Things to do in 2011 (a list for myself, but also maybe for you too):
I made this list while I was home over break...I am already working on serveral of them, which is bad-ass! Oh damn...i mean really cool.
* Figure myself least part of me, so that I am better than I am at this moment
* Give away stuff I don't use
* Make more homemade gift
*Sing in the shower more
* Prioritize my time in a healthy way
* Go to bed before 2 am if i have to get up at 7
* Pay it forward
* Practice reciprocal friendship
* Rock climb more
* Learn to snowboard
* Study more
* Be more honest about how I feel, what I want, and what I will not tolerate
* Eat more organic food...not just more food
* Turn off lights if i am not using them
* Lock my door
* Get up in the morning and go to the gym or at least do something active (if i have a partner, sex counts)
* Think about finding a partner!
* Call people I love
* Be less of a snarky bitch when attempting humor...not everyone thinks it's funny
* Curse less around my students...or maybe in general
* Dissertate, dissertate, dissertate
* Pass comprehensive exams
* Don't get pregnant or try heroin for the first time (and especially at the same time)
* Don't drop my computer on my foot and break it (again)
* Watch less reality TV
* Meditate
* Go to the Zen Temple and the LDS church at least once
* Take more weekend trips
* Go to, or plan trips to National Parks and other bad ass place
* Listen to more live music thank I did in 2010
* Visit Erin
* Make-out with cool people (if I really want to)
* Recycle more
* Teach Ben to knit if he still wants to
* Purchase comfortable shoes that are still cute
* Write more for fun
* Eat less frozen meals
* Stop being attracted to people who I shouldn't be or are unrealistic (Matt Parkman on Heroes probably doesn't want to spoon)
* Floss
* If students aren't in my office do work
* Ask someone how they are each day that you did not ask the previous day
* Watch more old movies and documentaries
* Don't rat yourself out as can get away with shit if you just keep your mouth shut
* Write in my new 5-year journal
* Pick out a dog (to own in 1.5 years)